stusha studio

stusha studio is an art and design practice

public art archive

midland ingot open pour at wundowie foundry

midland ingot is made from steel gathered from the midland railway workshops, molten and cast in an open pour at wundowie foundry.

andrew stumpfel stusha studio wundowie midland railway workshop
open pour wundowie foundry 2009
stusha studio stump stumpfel
midland ingot
midland ingot

pillars of light

pillars of light are a series of three landmarks in armadale, western australia. They are pellucid plexiglass towers lit with leds.

 more images are available for preview on blurb:

breathing figures

cannery arts centre standing figures with esperance community and
andre lipscombe as centre manager
andrew stumpfel Esperance granite
breathing figures, cannery arts centre, esperance

fish flash

shark bay sandblast jarrah and glass peter bowles andrew stumpfel stusha studio
shark bay study + immersion
sculpture fabrication perth
stusha studio work space newcastle that included peter bowles setting up a kiln for glasswork.
shark bay sandblast jarrah and glass peter bowles andrew stumpfel stusha studio
denham detail
shark bay sandblast jarrah and glass peter bowles andrew stumpfel stusha studio
denham screen
pregnant horse
andrew stumpfel ken cato csaba banki stusha studio sculpture edge of dam

andrew stumpfel ken cato csaba banki stusha studio sculpture austen corten
pregnant horse mornington peninsular collection of ken cato photography csaba banki
kinetic stainless steel michael ong andrew stumpfel stusha studio stainless steel sculpture
hale school kinetic winged figures photography by robert frith
andrew stumpfel stusha studio Shenton college weaving
shenton college weaving
fiona stanley artwork hydro pool andrew stumpfel stusha studio
fiona stanley hospital wayfing and hydropool
fiona stanley hospital wayfinding andrew stumpfel stusha studio

shade structure armadale hospital woven stainless steel
mosaic chromtec tile berlin wall masada insulator stump stumpfel stusha studio
vestibule mosaic berlin wall and other objects found, bought and stolen,
kensington western australia

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