books are dead long live books
book design perth publication design perth artist digital printing perth western australia
wedge night
The Indian Ocean Drive opened in September 2010 and with it, it opened the wedge settlement to the observer effect – which refers to changes that observation will make on the phenomenon being observed. These images are a survey of shacks and the environment of the unique wedge habitat. The wedge night images were shot during one full and two blue moons in the winter of 2012.
wedge night is available for preview on blurb:
stusha studio stump artwork
book is available for preview on blurb:
stusha studio graphics book is available for preview on blurb:
kensington night
Just like in Proof – a black comedy about a blind man who takes photographs in Jocelyn Moorhouse’s 1991 debut feature – these
photographs are taken blind in the dark.
The camera sees in the dark and reveals the universe of a suburb of Perth, Western Australia.
kensington night is available for preview on blurb:
rottnest night
The supermoon [ lunar perigee or perigee syzygy moon ] occurs once every 412 days, or so, when its orbit brings it closest to the earth [ 356,953 km ]. When it coincides with a full moon it is called a super perigee moon. On 5 may 2012 we shot rottnest with a 14% larger and 30% brighter moon.
people who were there:
kevin burnett
paul dennis
pauline franklyn
ursula shaw
karen snowball
tom vanderveen
rottnest night is available for preview on blurb:
rottnest night
glass manifesto cleaver street
glass manifesto + stusha studio worked on the proteus project in 2010. In 2011 glass manifesto deconstructed the cleaver street studio. Images of constructions and the deconstruction documents that period of time.
glass manifesto cleaver street is available for preview on blurb:
glass manifesto cleaver street